Sunday 28 December 2014

How to get rid of lower back pain? Know more about Lower back pain remedies

Lower back pain is common across all age groups these days. Younger adults (30-60 yrs) are more likely to experience back pain from disc related issues (lumbar degenerative disc disease or herniation) or from a strain/sprain in back muscles/ligaments or soft tissues.
Older adults (over 60yrs) are more likely to suffer from pain related to wear & tear - joint degeneration (e.g. osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis) or from an osteoporotic compression fracture.

The pain varies from a mild ache to severe debilitating pain. It could be localised in the back or also travel down the legs with other symptoms like tingling, numbness & weakness in the legs.

If you are struggling with low back pain because of any cause remembers to 'stay positive'! Lower back pain is manageable. There are many different lower back pain remedies available & the prognosis is very good.

In this article, let us try to know more about some management/treatment options to help you make an informed choice.

Consulting your doctor/specialist
If this is your first episode of back pain it would be good to consult your doctor. Back pain is rarely an emergency but getting assessed & using guidance will help you manage better. In case your pain is severe or not improving over 6-8 weeks a Specialist opinion may be necessary.

Treatment with drugs/injections/surgery
Doctors use a wide range of drugs to relieve back pain. These range from simple over the counter drugs to more complex medications that are formulated to tackle specific conditions. It may be necessary to use drugs for a short period of time but after this Rehabilitation is extremely important to prevent future episodes. Injections targeted to the specific area of problem or Surgery may be necessary as lower back pain remedy.

Consulting a Physiotherapist
At your first meeting your Physiotherapist will carry out a detailed Physical Examination, look at your medical history, ask you about general health, medications you are taking etc A Physiotherapist uses various non-invasive methods for pain relief & exercises to strengthen your back.

Using Massage; Massage is an excellent way of relaxing tense, aching muscles. It is a very useful adjunct as a lower back pain remedy.

Using Acupuncture; Acupuncture is found to have very good results with back pain. The flow of Chi' energy is restored in the body helping to cure your illness.

Relaxation Techniques; Learning to relax completely regardless of the stresses of everyday life could be your key to banishing back pain forever. Breathing exercises & techniques, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Progressive Muscle Relaxation are all very helpful as lower back pain remedies.

Spine Care Products as Lower Back Pain Remedy;
Using an Ergonomic Office Chair, a Lumbar Support, a Footrest, a Memory Foam mattress & pillow, Orthotic Footwear are all examples of products that are effective as back pain remedies. They help to support your spine well & reduce stresses causing pain relief.

Ergonomic Office Chairs


Seat Lumbar Support

Saturday 29 November 2014

How to Get Rid Of Back Pain

It is amazing how from having a pain-free, healthy body being 'natural & normal', we have come to a point where many of us think back pain is 'normal'! This is a dangerous mindset, because if we think pain is normal, we will not work towards making it better.

Back pain is not normal. We must not accept it in our lives & start living with it. Find out why your back hurts & how to reduce back pain.

On the contrary if you are struggling with back pain, remember to 'stay positive'. Lower back pain is very common & very manageable. There are various lower back pain remedies available. These will make you feel a whole lot better & in control of your body.

Let's look at various lower back pain remedies available today. Knowing more about each will help you to make an informed choice about method of treatment.

Most effective treatment options:

     Consulting your doctor/specialist
If this is your first episode of back pain it would be good to consult your doctor. Back pain is rarely an emergency but getting assessed & using guidance will help you manage better. In case your pain is severe or not improving over 6-8 weeks a Specialist opinion may be necessary.

     Treatment with drugs/injections/surgery
Doctors use a wide range of drugs to relieve back pain. These range from simple over the counter drugs to more complex medications that are formulated to tackle specific conditions. Injections targeted to the specific area of problem or Surgery may be necessary as lower back pain remedy.

     Consulting a Physiotherapist
At your first meeting your Physiotherapist will carry out a detailed Physical Examination, look at your medical history, ask you about general healthetc A Physiotherapist uses various non-invasive methods for pain relief & exercises to strengthen your back.

     Using Massage; Massage is an excellent way of relaxing tense, aching muscles. It is a very useful adjunct as a lower back pain remedy.

     Using Acupuncture; Acupuncture is found to have very good results with back pain. The flow of Chi' energy is restored in the body helping to cure your illness.

     Relaxation Techniques; Learning to relax completely regardless of the stresses of everyday life could be your key to banishing back pain forever. Breathing exercises & techniques, Meditation, Hypnotherapy are all very helpful as lower back pain remedies.

How to reduce back pain using Spine Care Products;
Products that help to take care of the spine by improving alignment & thus reducing stresses, are extremely beneficial to supplement your active efforts to maintain good posture. Using an Ergonomic Office Chair, a Lumbar Support, a Footrest, a Memory Foam mattress, Orthotic Footwear are all examples of products that are effective as back pain remedies.

Ergonomic Office Chairs


Seat Lumbar Support

Memory Foam mattress

Thursday 27 November 2014

How to Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is very commonly seen in people who sit for long periods of time, lift heavy weights regularly or are heavy & inactive. It could be a mild, dull, occasional ache or a nagging constant irritation. A sign of it getting worse is when the pain starts travelling down one/both legs. Increased body fat specially around the abdomen makes the lower back more vulnerable because of increased mechanical pressure & lack of muscle support.

The answer to 'How to reduce back pain' is much easier than people think. Instead of suffering the pain if you actually tried some very simple things you might be surprised at how much better your back feels. We will discuss 3 things that I have found very useful while working with a lot of people with back pain.

3 Back care essentials for 'How to get rid of lower back pain’:

1. Learn 'Good Back Posture' for you
Poor posture puts a lot of pressure on the back & causes the same issues that lifting heavy weights incorrectly would cause! Taking posture casually is not a great idea if you want to have a strong & healthy back. Good back posture is much more than just the proverbial 'sitting straight'.

How to reduce back pain? Excellent back posture for most of the times will be a good first answer to that question. Maintaining a gentle inward-arch in your lower back & sitting tall - are general guidelines for us all. Yet learning good back posture 'for you' from a professional will be a useful life-long tool.

2. Daily 5-minute 'Back Care Exercise Routine'
Learn 3-5 simple exercises which are suitable for your back & lifestyle. Learn these from a Qualified Physiotherapist because they have a good understanding of Anatomy, Posture, Exercise & Back Pain. Perform these every single day of your life. This is a highly effective tool to get rid of lower back pain.

If you manage to discipline yourself, your back will feel so much better. You will remember to do your exercises on strenuous days when you are sitting/standing a lot or travelling etc to prevent aches & pains. It becomes a part of your lifestyle & becomes like a pill that prevents back pain.

3. Use a Lumbar Support
A Seat Lumbar Support literally means a Low Back Support. It is a cushion that is made in a specific shape that helps to maintain the natural inward curvature of your lower back facilitating an upright position. It prevents you from slouching which increases stresses in the discs of the lower back.

How to reduce back pain? One very effective measure is to use a Lumbar support everywhere or almost everywhere you sit. If you use an Ergonomic Office Chair- these have an in-built Lumbar Support, if not carry a travel version & use it in all seats.

Ergonomic Office Chairs

Seat Lumbar Support

Thursday 13 November 2014



The spine is the foundation of the entire body. It is responsible for almost every movement that you make: you walk not just with your legs, but with your entire back, and you reach for, hold, lift, carry things not just with your arms, but also with your back.

The human spine together with its muscles, ligaments is a vertical shock absorber with curvatures to provide for the necessary resilience. The spine must be firm enough to support your body vertically against gravity & yet flexible enough to do a whole variety of complex actions like bending, twisting, reaching, lifting.


     Age: 30-50
     More common in women: stresses on the spine pre & post child birth
     Poor posture
     Poor physical fitness
     Lifting heavy weights
     Sedentary jobs with long hours of sitting
     Bending/twisting for long periods at work- Surgeons, Dentists etc
     Driving long distances
     Jobs that require being on the feet for long hours- sales executives, hospital staff etc


Improving your Posture: The ideal posture for you is one in which your back is put under the least strain & in which you retain the natural curvatures of the spine. You could use an Ergonomic Office Chair or a Seat Lumbar Support to help you maintain this posture. Your physical therapist can help you to learn correct back posture for you.

Exercise: An active lifestyle significantly reduces chances of back pain. Swimming & walking are excellent exercises for the spine. Yoga & Pilates focus on specific movements that help to increase strength-flexibility & create long lasting body awareness.

Orthotics: If you have flat or pronated feet your back can take stresses because your feet are not adequately supported. It is very important to get Insoles for your shoes & your back may feel brand new- with just this one correction.

Ergonomics at the workstation: Use tools like a well designed Ergonomic Office Chair, keyboard tray, laptop stand to make your workstation- minimal risk. We spend a large part of our day in this space & so assessing your workstation for 'how ergonomic it is'- is critical!

Rehabilitation & Lower back pain remedies: If you have symptoms do not think 'a little back pain is normal'. Effective lower back pain remedies include Physical Therapy, Acupuncture & Massage.

Ergonomic Office Chairs

Keyboard Tray

Laptop Stand India

Seat Lumbar Support

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Prevention is better than cure - Back pain, an apt example

Back pain in this world of fast automation
Back pain is pandemic. It’s becoming like the common cold. Most people you know have it or have had it or feel they might have it. Universal automation has made us go soft & our spines struggle to cope every single day.

We focus all the time on treatments, neglecting- there is a whole lot we can do to ‘Prevent’. Yes some back pain is genetic, but environmental factors play a big role, in how much & how many people suffer.

The human body- our own machine
The human body undergoes wear & tear; it’s more like a machine used over & over. If a machine is not handled properly- it breaks down faster, if it is serviced regularly- it has better performance & lasts longer. The same principles apply to human systems. Our spines need care.

Care for your back
Awareness of body posture everyday is essential to preventing back pain. While at work, travelling, relaxing or even sleeping- Posture is crucial- awareness of Posture is crucial. Incorrect posture & lifting habits cause increased stresses in the spine. This is back pain that could have been avoided!

Educate yourself about Back Care Products
There are various tools for Spine care & these could be effectively used to help maintain better back alignment:

While you travel- Neck & back supports, lumbar corsets / back belts
While you sleep- Memory foam mattresses
While you relax- Zero gravity recliners

Servicing the Spine- Move, be active, exercise
Movement is food for the spine. It nourishes the discs, lubricates the joints, stretches & strengthens the muscles. On-going exercise whichever form you enjoy & are likely to stick with, is extremely beneficial.

Listen to your body- Don’t ignore what you feel
If you are experiencing symptoms, do not wait for them to get worse. Get yourself evaluated & know that prompt measures will reduce the amount of disability & help attain quicker recovery. Physical Therapy is highly recommended.

To sum it up, we can’t change bad roads & definitely not that we need to sit for long periods, what we can change though is- be a lot more active, educate ourselves on better back posture & tools that enable us to maintain this, seek prompt help if in pain.

Ergonomic Office Chairs


Keyboard Tray

Laptop Stand

Seat Lumbar Support

Memory Foam Mattress

Reclining Office Chair